Pupil Development Grant

Ysgol Greenhill aims to support all pupils.

Our school believes all pupils deserve the opportunity to achieve to the best of their ability. The Pupil Development Grant aims to support our RADY pupils and their families throughout their time at Ysgol Greenhill.

Pupils who benefit from the PDG could receive the following support:  
Year 6

Additional transition visits, parent visit. Meet and greet with PDG staff.

Year 7 

Group mentoring in houses/forms, participation in the well-being and support questionnaire, literacy and numeracy intervention boosts, TAMARR. Support to attend Llangrannog trip, access to KS3 science revision guides and Chromebooks if needed, opportunity to learn a musical instrument. Opportunities to participate in enrichment activities. 

Year 8

Group mentoring in houses/forms, well-being and support questionnaire, continued access to KS3 science revision guides and Chromebooks if needed, opportunity to learn a musical instrument. Opportunities to participate in enrichment activities. 

Year 9

Individual staff mentoring, options evening support, careers fair, university visits, Duke of Edinburgh’s award, provision of scientific calculators.

Year 10

Pupil Tutoring, youth worker support if required, access to GCSE revision guides.

Year 11

Individual staff mentoring, Head of House support, careers planning, attainment evenings, options evening support, subject revision sessions, aspiration assemblies.

For all PDG Pupils:
  • Breakfast club (in the planning stage Autumn 2023)
  • Parent’s contacted prior to events 
  • Support with school uniform, equipment and electronic devices.
  • Dedicated Pupil Development Mentor
For all PDG Parents:
  • Support from Pupil Development Mentor to complete access grant forms, resolve issues with uniform etc
Quotes from Year 7 PDG pupils

I like being a member of the Pupil Development Group because: 


It helps me get to know people I don’t know

We go on fun trips

All of the fun stuff 

All of the fun stuff we get to do!

I find it good to be involved in something nice and meeting lots of nice people

It’s nice to be involved with other activities and meeting up and having other opportunities. Meeting new friends

We get to do lots of activities, it takes my mind off a lot of things

Please follow this link below to the council pages for the Free School Meals application. The form can't be filled in online and has to be downloaded. Forms are also available from school and Mrs K Davis can offer support to fill them in.

Free School Meals application






